25 December 2011

Lisa, Backlit 6/9

Lisa, Backlit 6/9, originally uploaded by scotartt.

On the rocks at Port Macquarie.

23 December 2011

27 May 2011


Paddle, originally uploaded by scotartt.

Property Of

Property Of, originally uploaded by scotartt.

05 March 2011

Magpie Female (Cracticus tibicen)

06:30 Auchenflower Bird Action. Taken with Minolta 70-210mm f4 "beercan" .. this is "Mrs Magpie" she's come early for a snack to take to her babies in the nest. With all the rain I've got no idea how they will have survived recently.

Blue-faced Honeyeater (Entomyzon cyanotis)

06:30 Auchenflower Bird Action. Taken with Minolta 70-210mm f4 "beercan" .. one of a gang of Bluefaced Honeyeaters that hang about our backyard. I think this is either a young one or a female, based on the greyish nature of the "black" bib on the throat.

back to the beach

back to the beach, originally uploaded by scotartt.

Lisa, Evan's Head. Looking south along the beach.

coffee morning

coffee morning, originally uploaded by scotartt.

Lisa, in a cafe in Manuka, ACT

Eastern Yellow Robin (Eopsaltria australis), Yarrangobilly.

December 2010 - January 2011 driving holiday through NSW to Thredbo in the Snowy Mountains. Yarangobilly caves.

Me @ Kirra Beach

Me @ Kirra Beach, originally uploaded by scotartt.

Lisa in shadows

Lisa, originally uploaded by scotartt.

On the way up Mt. Kosciuszko.

On the way up Mt. Kosciuszko., originally uploaded by scotartt.